Monday, December 31, 2007

Teri Seymour wears a bikini, could use a good meal or ten

Teri Seymour

My original headline for this post was “Simon Cowell attacked by rogue Ethopian.” Then I did some investigative journalism and learned that it’s actually Simon’s fiancé British TV personality Teri Seymour. The couple are on vacation in Barbados for the holiday. I can understand why he keeps her around. She seems handy. Simon could always use Teri as a walking stick if he were on a long hike. Or, I dunno, maybe as a karate staff if he wanted to fight crime or play Ninja Turtles with Ryan Seacrest who always wants to be “Naked Shredder.”
Teri Seymour  Teri Seymour  Teri Seymour Teri Seymour  Teri Seymour

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