Friday, March 7, 2008

JLo´s Babies Is In Critical Condition From The Common Cold

I wasn´t going to talk about Jlo again until she stripped down and posed nude for some two bit publication, but some stories are just too stupid to pass up. According to reports, Jennifer Lopez has gone completely mental over her twins, even going so far as to create a virtual sterile bubble for them.

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A media source said: "She has employed a professional baby masseuse to come in once or twice a week and is also superparanoid about hygiene. The twins´ wing is totally sterile and all flowers and presents are stored in a separate room, so they don´t contaminate the babies´ area."

What this means is that the moment those kids are taken outside they are going to come down with hellish colds like you´ve never seen before. It will be like the ironic ending of ´War of the Worlds´, but even more stupid, because as a human being and native of planet earth, Jennifer Lopez should know better.

Enjoy the picture, which I am told is an actual view into the world she´s living in.

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