Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Weekend Fun


This past weekend my super good friend Andies invited me to Auburn Bay Lake (where she lives) for some fun in the sun.

Photobucket{Me & Ry}


Unfotunately, I didn't get any good pics of me and Andies :( ... next time.

Photobucket{Me and Lindsay}

Photobucket{Lindsay and her fiance Cole}



I recently got some summery polishes from Revlon. I love them! They go on great; not as good as Essie of course, but still good. They are fast drying as well and within five minutes of applying, my nails are completely dry. They are a bit faster at chipping, but that's because I didn't use a base or top coat. I imagine a base and top coat to take away from the fast drying, and the drying time was my main point when buying these.


Here is Jaded on my nails - a super pretty pastel turqouise. I can't wait to get some more of the Revlon colors.

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