Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Christmas

It's almost been a week, but I still wanted to share some of my pics from Christmas.
We spent Christmas eve and morning at my parents house, but the camera with those pics on it died last night so I couldn't upload them.
Here are my pics from Christmas Day/Night!
Me and my family headed to Ryan's parent's house, as we've been doing on most holidays in the last couple years =)

His mom made gorgeous table settings for everyone
Yummy Christmas Food
My sister's bf Travis, Ryan's dad, my sister, and my dad
Travis and my Sis


My sister, Travis, and Ryan's mom
A little doggy peering in at us
My parents!
Do I look like them?

Ok, so I did end up making a video showing all of the things I got, but ended up not being too fond of it. Does that ever happen to any other video bloggers out there? But ya, it ended up on the cutting room floor and I didn't get pics of everything, so I'll just list everything off. I have a couple pics below too.

What I got:

-An SLR Camera (finally!) from Ryan!
(I'm loving it)
-Dyson Ball Vacuum Cleaner
-Chrome Crock pot
-giftcards for Winners & earls
-4 Ralph Lauren crystal glasses with 1 litre Belvedre Premium Vodka
-MAC holiday Brush Set
-necklace& 2 sets earrings (silver)
- ummmm, I think that's it?


Our Vacuum. Never thought I'd own a Dyson at this age! Love it =) Ours kept breaking so definitely needed this!


The holiday brush set. I love MAC brushes, and this duo fibre is my new fave.They came in this cute little bag you can wear across your body .. I actually think I would wear it!


Here they are with Sigma and random other Too Faced, BE, and Sephora brushes.
Do you like the holder? It's one of the crystal glasses my sis gave me. Don't worry, the others are in my cupboard waiting for some scotch =)


It was a wonderful Christmas, I couldn't have asked for more!
I know I must seem quite materialistic on this blog sometimes, but honestly, I could have had just as amazing a Christmas without any of the gifts, and just the time spent with family/friends.

I hope you enjoyed your Christmas with at least one important person in your life. If you were able to do that, you recieved the best gift possible.

Happy New Year!

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