Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beds of Paradise

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE to Sleep.

I love luxurious bedding with soft down duvets and goose down pillows.
As long as I get everything done I need to get done during the day, I'm quite content with over indulging myself. Some call it laziness, I call it heaven.
Me and my man are a somewhat dangerous combination, because he loves sleep just as much, if not more than me. He enters a deep hybernation-like coma each night, and waking him up can prove to be challenging. One of our main highlights of the weekend is the knowledge of us being able to sleep in =)I love dreaming that I'm a princess in castle, tucked away in 500 thread count egyptian cottons, in an isolated wing down a marble hallway.
I visited Warwick Castle in England a few years back, and literally wanted to jump into all the exhibits and just live there forever. Especially the Queens dresssing room =)


Or in a presential suite on a massive cruiseship, being lulled to sleep by the faint motion of the ocean waves.


Or that I live in Victorian times, and have a Cinderella-esque coach, with a bed in the back that I sleep in peacefully while being transported by horses.

^This would have been my little girl self's dream bed ^

^For now I'll have to settle for my current sleeping quarters, complete with fluffy cat. But one day I assure you, I will take my love for sleep to a level beyond imagination, with a bed fit soley for a Queen.

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