Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Forever XXI Haul

Hi Dolls!
How are you?
I thought I would share with you some of the clothes I got from F21 in support of their disaster relief fund for Japan. As I previously stated, on March 18, F21 was kind enough to donate ALL of their online proceeds  to Japan. How cool is that? I jumped at the chance to help out; the clothing that came was simply the icing on the cake.
I placed my order on Friday, and early Monday morning the bright yellow package of clothing was dropped on my work desk in what must have been the fastest delivery in history! I couldn't believe it So here is what I got:

First Up is this maxi dress.
 At half off, it was only $14!
I really wish I could've modelled it outside with some budding Spring foliage as my back drop, but I would've been shivering in the snow waiting for that to happen, so my laundry closet door it is:

Next is this floral tunic.($28) Perfect to pair with shorts and wedges, but here I'm rocking it with leggings, as there's no sign of Spring here (yet!). Don't mind the exposed hanger strap, I didn't cut it off or ensure it's secrecy before whipping out the poses.

I love the pattern and draped sleeves!! It gets super wrinkly, super fast though. I need a Tobi!

Next up are a bunch of layering tees; both long and short sleeved.
I can never have enough basic tees in my wardrobe to pair with scarves, big necklaces, vests; etc. They really are the fundamental basis of any great outfit. And F21s are so cheap; these were all under $6.

In short sleeved: olive, purple and black. In long sleeved: a dusty brown and white.

You can see they're a little see through, so proper selection of undergarments is advisable before heading out. (Or posting yourself wearing it online? haha)

I'm loving tucking in fitted shirts to pants with a chunky belt. Try it for a sleek silhouette.

And the short sleeved:

And that's it!
How is the weather where you are? Could you rock my dress FOR REAL, or would you also be hiding inside from the cold?

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