Thursday, March 24, 2011

March- new blogs - Japanese Street Fashion

I love discovering new (for me) blogs about Japanese Street Fashion.

Aimee Lily Rose has a beautiful blog about alternative fashion, art, movies and inspirations. I especially love her detailed post about Japanese Street Fashion. The photos are wonderful. Such a variety of Lolita styles! I'd love to have this cute ensemble!

Lolita Weekly is an adorable blog by a student who is a lifestyle lolita and adores all things cute! This posting is a very interesting that sets proper expectations about the public's acceptance and knowledge of the Gothic and Lolita lifestyle. She is absolutely right that Lolita has a very small following and that we cannot expect everyone to understand our love for the fashion. What amazes me is when someone sees us and says "What a sweet group of Lolitas!" That is definitely the exception.

Dolly Dreams is another wonderful and cute blog by a lifestyle Lolita. This is her posting about Japanese Street fashion. I do love how cute and Kawaii her blog is.

Also check out this blog for lots of cute photos of japanese Street fashion.

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