I love blogging.
I love the creativity of it. It's like a diary that I can look back on and remember certain points in time. And I love sharing it with those who are interested enough to check it out. Sometimes I will just sit at my computer and read my own blog. I adore having an outlet to share my thoughts on. It's amazing.
But I'm not all hair and make-up. I don't worship shoes and purses. For me, beauty/fashion blogging is a hobby, an inspiration that I craft my posts around. I have to say, since leaning more towards the material with my posts, I haven't hit many dry spots at all. Every blogger can tell you - we hit dry spots. We go for weeks, sometimes months without being inspired enough to even type hello into the title bar. And that's not what a hobby is about. A hobby is something you look forward to. I look forward to writing, to picking out great pictures to post, and to reading all of the other great blogs out there. I love feeling free enough that I can post and write about what I want, without fear of being judged. Fear of being mistaken for a shallow girl who knows nothing other than the latest styles of makeup or shoes. There's a deeper side. I just don't always show it on here. Life has it's place for somberness and stress. I want to create a candy world of beaty and softness on the computer screen. A makeshift escape, if you will.
I want more people to start blogging, and to feel free to share their true colors with the world as well. I want more people to feel inspired by life, so inspired that they need to get it written down or captured somehow.
Whatever you're inspired by - beauty, fashion, animals, food, cars, music, art, photography; share it with the world. It doesn't have to be profound. It doesn't have to be brilliant. What matters is you have fun doing it. It's a piece of you. If not for anyone else, for yourself.