Keira Knightley |
Levy Christiano, Brazil
Quite a goal I say, but as the old cliche goes, “If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Besides, they’ve still got quite some time, I just hope it’s enough for them to make it. My intestines would go wild if the Azkals make it to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. (My intestines would burst if I make it to Brazil.)
And I salute them for introducing the world of football to the Filipinos. They brought sport into the scene and performed remarkably good for rookies in the big field. From now on, I’m looking forward to their matches and I hope they excel dramatically.
Go, Azkals! Go!
BR BIZ: French Food Fight (via BBC News - Carrefour and Casino fight for Brazil’s Pao de Acucar)
(via Brazil’s Congress: Paying for Consensus « Observing Brazil)
Will Future Ranchers Celebrate the Story of a Sacred Tree?:I actually like this article mostly for the good description of the local Brazilian festival. I think the author gets a lot more vague when describing how she is working to reduce deforestation. I think some of the things described are good (realizing that local people depend on ranching and have an economic need to continue deforestation with their current ranching practices), but I think other ideas (getting paid not to cut down trees) are probably not long term realistic. I think that rehabilitating pasture and changing grazing practices to not exhaust pasture makes a lot of sense.
Levy Christiano, Brazil
Rio de janeiro