Thursday, December 16, 2010

My New Blogging for 2011

I'm changing my approach to blogging in 2011. It's going to be a lot more structured rather than the random topics and events that I blog about now. These will be the topics I will blog about on a monthly basis in this approximate order. There will also be random posts (as they occur) about Lolita meetups and Gothic and Lolita interests. So that will be about 10-15 posts per month. Sometimes less. Sometimes more.

1. Fashion/Couture: The latest fashions that catch my eye
2. Girly Girl - Monthly topics for us girly girls
3. Men: Guys that I like, dating, relationships and the like
4. Pretty little things: Lovely girly things that I find attractive
5. Girlfriends - Interviews and photos with my girlfriends
6. Beauty and makeup - What I find compelling about the latest in Beauty
7. New blogs that I like - Sharing blogs of interest across all topics
8. Photoshoot - At least one blog post of a recent photoshoot
9. Shopping - Adventure(s) in shopping during the month
10. Random thoughts and learnings from the month - At the end of each month

Would love to have suggestions for other blog topics. Please comment.

Andrea Nicole Baker

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