WTH, right?!
I've always told myself that I'm not a freak and that it is just my subconcious way of coping with traumatic events that deep down sadden and/or scare me to death. I googled this "phenonenon" (which may or may not be strictly isolated to my existance), and didn't turn up much. All I got were tips on how to stop laughing at inappropriate times, not why people start doing it in the first place. One thing I did find fascinating though, is that laughter and sadness seem to, in a way at least, go hand in hand; that my laughing probably really is my body's legitimate and innocent way of coping with the trauma I'm exposed to. Think about it: What is the one thing that someone who is beside themselves with happiness will do? Cry. So if pure happiness can breed tears, than dammit, the only reason I'm laughing at pain is because I am so deeply, deeply saddened by it. At least that's what I tell myself so I don't come off as an insensitive sociopath....
What about you? Ever laughed while at a funeral or something equally horrendous?
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