Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Top 5 Rainy Day Movies

I woke to the soft pitter patter of raindrops on my window sill this morning. I love the rain. It romances me and reminds me how mysterious and beautiful my world is when it's covered in glistening raindrops. It's faint whisper casts a dreamlike spell on me, and this morning all I wanted to do was spend the day curled up bed, daydreaming. Why is it that the days we want to be lazy most are always the days we must be at work?
Apart from staying in my fuzzy pjs all day, eating a yummy breakfast, playing with BB (my cat), and daydreaming, I love to watch movies on rainy days. There is nothing better than curling up on my comfy couch with a blanket and some tea, and getting lost in the stories that play out before me on the screen. My top five rainy day movies, (in no particular order) are:

The vintage Disney classic, of course. I'm instantly transported back to the beautiful 50s eachtime I pop this movie in, and I can't help but sing along to Cinderella's beautiful voice. This is definitely one of my favorite Disney movies of all time. I'm a pre-millenium Disney type; the computer animation of today just doesn't do it for me the same way that Sleeping Beauty and The Little Mermaid can. Perfect for a rainy day with nothing to do but daydream.

Memoirs of a Geisha
Maybe it's because a lot of the scenes are shot in the rain, and it is a truly romantic movie, but this film is nothing but beautiful, mysterious, and intriguing. It's perfect film fare for a rainy, gloomy, day when you wouldn't be anywhere but safe inside.

Pretty Woman
What is it with romance movies and raindrops? This has long been my "favorite movie of all time". I was introduced to the film at six years old, when my babysitter braught it over (R-rated and all) for me and my sister to watch with her. I remember my favorite scene was when Julia Roberts went back to the snobby shopkeepers on Rodeo Drive in her thousand dollar outfit to tell them off for snubbing her. That first time watching the movie was when my fantasy of the "tall dark and handsome man who will take care of me" was truly born. Luckily I wasn't hookin' when he later waltzed into my life ...
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Yes, I read all of the crappy reviews for this movie, and was a little skeptical when I sat down to watch it. Well when all was said and done, I was pleasantly surprised and left the theatre a new woman. Okay, maybe not a new woman, but I did feel light and airy, and everything else that a cheesy romantic comedy should make you feel. Folks, with a tiltle like the one it has, and from the preview alone, you shouldn't have been expecting an Academy Nominee of a movie. However if you want sweet, romantic, funny, silly, and surprisingly, quality acting, all in the same film, and if you can get past the creepy idea of Michael Douglas as a ghostly womanizer, you will love this film. Come on, don't be a movie snob.

David Bowie. Blonde Mullets. Spandex Tights. Need I say more?
What could be better than getting lost in a fantasy world of stolen babies and creepy goblins on a rainy day? The dreamy and mysterious soundtrack, compliments of Bo-Bo, are sure to add to the whimsical feel of your living room, as raindrops drum on your roof.

Absolute Essentials For a Cozy, Rainy Day at Home:

-your favorite tea

-a fuzzy warm blanket

-a cuddly cat or dog (or at the very least a very cute teddybear)

-grilled cheese sandwhich and tomato soup

- bunny slippers

-nowhere to be for a long, long time =)

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