I didn't think it would happen.
I got to page 351 on the third book in the Twilight saga, Eclipse, and suddenly closed it. Not because I was tired, not because I had an errand to run, not because the front door opened with my fiancee returning home. I closed it because I had had enough of the story. Period.
I'd reached a point where I thought, no way. There is no way this is worth it. Even for a fantasy book, the story line was unbelievable, (and not the good unbelievable). I was simply unable to believe in the characters or story line anymore.
Now this isn't meant to be a hate post. I'm not criticising Stephanie Meyer, or the legions of Twilight fans out there. But I do want to point out the things that ruined it for me:
1. I got to a point where I wondered why these super humans (Jacob and Edward) would be so inclined to fight for such an average, mediocre girl like Bella. I know that's the main appeal to the whole story, that such an average, mediocre girl was able to ensnare Edward, but still. There reaches a point where the fighting has to stop due to the sheer mediocrity of the subject, or plausibility is lost. Edward is over 100 years old, and has the mental capacity of said age, yet he is still gaga over this 17 year old little girl with no outstanding personality traits. Is it just me or could that be construed as slightly pervy? Also for Victoria and all of the vampires to make this huge deal/start a war over Bella, who they could have easily killed in so many parts of the book. There were too many contradictions and I couldn't keep suspending my belief. Believe me, I tried.. Maybe if Bella's character had been developed more? Nah, still not, is my guess.
2.I got sick of the forbidden teenage love aspect and thought it was, for lack of a better word, stupid.. ( I'll admit I'm probably past that expiration date though)
The third, most important reason I decided to put the series away forever was:
3. The movie. After watching both of the movies, I started envisioning the actors as I read the book and equating the characters to them. Not good because:
-The movie was the worst piece of film I have ever seen in my life.
- Kristen Stewart is the. worst. actress. in. the. history. of. the. planet. (Attractive,yes; great style, yes; talent, HELL NO). She has absolutely no facial expression other than overly fluttered eyelashes and darting eyes back and forth. Her voice is also painfully monotone and she honestly comes off completely stoned to me throughout the entire movie. I think she is afraid of over acting and that's why she resorts to this half-dead state of theatrics. Nevertheless, it annoys me to no end.
-The fanfare and frenzy surrounding "R.Patz" killed Edward Cullen's character in the novel because I felt he was inaccessible.
Obviously I am in the minority here, with giving up on Twilight; it's a world wide phenomenon after all. I'm just stumped as to how such a truly mediocre story and movie have become so huge. Is it the bandwagon mentality? I gave this saga an honest try (read two and a half of the books) and still was left very disappointed.
Tell me, Did you fall in love with Twilight?
Why or Why not?
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