Saturday, June 26, 2010

MAC Pink Nouveau Lipstick!

Hi, My Lovelies!!

I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend.
I decided to show you my new pink lipstick .. MAC's Pink Nouveu. (Still not sure how to say Nouveau .. any French mademoiselles out there?)

Shade description: Bright Pink (Satin)

I had no plans for my lunch hour on Friday, so decided to head to the Bay and browse the makeup counters. I gravitated towards the MAC lippies like I always do, and proceeded to select this vibrant pink from the pack.

What do you think? My liner is a tad dark, but I am quite fond of the shade .. I like that it's a deeper pink than what I'm used too .. it's not as pale as Gaga Glam or Saint Germain, but still perfectly light pink. I tried, but after buying Saint Germain and wearing it a couple times, I came to the conclusion it just wasn't for me or my skintone. This one on the other hand ... I'm liking!

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