Saturday, June 19, 2010

What kind of Angelic Pretty style are you?

Girls - Take this quiz and let me know the results! Enjoy!

What Angelic Pretty style are you?

My Result: Rose Princess
You love to feel like a princess! Class and extravagant elegance is the look you should go for, with a dainty handbag to match! Try wearing swirling floral prints or some lace gloves!

Take this Quiz - See More
My answers to the questions:
  1. You are happiest when wearing? - Shimmering eyeshadow and lipstick
  2. Favorite Month of the year? - October
  3. Your ideal Holiday would be? - With a group of my girlfriends. Lots of fun!
  4. What type of handbag do you like to use everyday? - A very sparkly sling bag covered in sequins or glitter
  5. Which one of these words best fits your personality? - Friendly
  6. If you could change your hair color/stye for the day what would it be? - long golden blonde curls, so silky it shimmers
  7. When do you like to dress up? - I take time to dress up fancy every day, it makes me feel great.
  8. What would you love to be from this list? - A Model
  9. What kind of shoes do you like to wear? Peep-Toe Heels
  10. What is your fashion essential? - PINK!

Loli Andrea

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