Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Favorite Cinderella Story

Is, you guessed it - Pretty Woman!

What girl doesn't adore this movie from the minute she sees it?
Indeed, this must be one of the many reasons I fell in love with the idea of Beverly Hills and Hollywood.

Vivienne and Kit

Edward and Vivienne

Falling in Love

I must have been only 8 years the first time I saw it - my baby sitter braught it over for me and my sis to watch, and I fell in love with the romance, clothes, and storyline.

Then I didn't see it again until a few years later, when me and my best friend rented it on one of our sleep overs. That's when I developed my crush on Richard Gere.

It's funny how girls have different preferences for guys. Some like the tatooed bad boys; for me it's always been handsome, classy buisnessman and I'm sure I have this movie to thank at least in part.

I bought the movie on VHS when I was about 13, and watched it at least once a week. I made all my friends watch it when they came over, and they grew to love it too.

Do you love this movie as much as I do?

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