Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 03 - Thoughts on Drugs and Alcohol

The plight of human kind!

Drugs scare me/gross me out. Weed smells like sweet garbage to me, or a skunk, which is something I don't want people to associate me with. Pipes gross me out, how they get passed around with everyone and their dog's mouth coming in contact with them.

The hard stuff, coke, heroin and the like, are enough to give me nightmares, just thinking about what they can do to people is enough to keep me away for good.

Alcohol - oh alcohol. I'm from a longggg line of heavy Irish drinkers on my paternal side, and (not that that should be an excuse - there are plenty Irish who DON'T drink) my penchant taste for beer and wine does have to be kept in check. It's been a learning process throughout the years, (especially in my teens/early twenties), and I'm still learning, but I always have to go in to drinking with my wits about me - if I completely let go and open the flood gates, I'm carried far, far away and the results are seldom ducky. I recently did a cleanse for the month of January and it was great at getting my system back to how it should be - getting rid of any cravings, and just allowing me to fully enjoy a single glass of wine or beer as opposed to a few every weekend. I'll have to keep an eye on my drinking for my whole life, it's just the way it is for me, but if it helps me live a healthier life, I don't mind taking extra steps at bettering myself.
One final piece of advice:
{Drinking & Driving: You're playing Russian Roulette and it's only a matter of time before you're caught, kill someone, smash up your car, or kill yourself. Just don't do it.}

What are your thoughts on D & A?

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