Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shopping Bag


3 mini perfume set from Shoppers

-Halle 'Orchid'

-Glow by JLo

-DARE ME by BabyPhat

this one is my absolute fave!


It smells like a combination of candy, vanilla, and pina colada=) I've liked it since it first came out. I could've got the full Dare Me set with lotion for the same price, but wanted the additional two scents instead. Glow is old but I still like the smell.


Clairol nice'n easy hair color in Natural Dark Brown

Don't worry, I'm not dyng my hair .. It's finally growing out and I love my natural brown! These boxes of color are to darken my hair extensions which are now a dark blonde. I'm love with mile long dark hair right now, so can't wait to have a head full of it=) Stay tuned for a post on that process (dying the extensions)


Maybelline Define A Brow in Dark Blonde
I've been using this for ages but decided to get a lighter color. I like it a lot more as I can make my eyebrows a lot fuller without them being too dark and over powering.


Revlon Top Speed Nail Polish in Metallic


L'oreal Selftanning lotion and Pretanning Scrub

L'oreal makes a really good self tanner. I've been using their original tan skin tone enhancer for years and decided to try this new one. Its works really well; I wasn't surprised.

Here are some of the other Self Tanners I have at home and my opinions on them:


Left: L'oreal Sublime Glow Daily Moisturizer in medium.
Love this stuff. It's so affordable, barely streaks, has a nice smell, and a nice shade!

Middle: Karhashian Glamour Tan Self-Tanning Gel
This is a decent fake tan .. has almost a pine needley smell to it which was surprising. Doesn't streak which is great

Top Right: Clarins Creme Delicieuse Auto Bronzante
Don't like this one at all. Overly expensive, streaks, and doesn't last

Right: Clarins Gelee Auto Bronzate
Although this is from the same comapany as the above one, it couldn't be more different. It's Sephoras #1 self tanning seller and I can see why. It doesn't streak, and goes on nice. Only bad thing is it's still quite expensive and doesn't last long.

My Fave:


What is your fave tanner?

Do you tan indoors?

I've been more and more tempted with the -20 weather and the fact that I'm ghostly white to hit the tanning salon, but know it's bad for my skin .....

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