Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Viva Glam Gaga II - Nude

I bought this shade out of indignity.
Before this, I'd never worn nude lip color. I thought, what is the point? Why would you take one of the most beautifully colored features of your face, that is made to stand out, and blend it in with the rest of your face to look skin colored of all things? I just didn't get it.

When I saw the new Viva Glam shade that everyone had been raving about though, I decided to give it a try, if only to prove to myself right; that it would indeed look horrible on me ...

I think it's safe to say I was w-r-o-n-g about the whole nude lipstick shade thing.
I love it! It's gorgeous, soft, feminine, even vintagey looking. And it pairs perfectly with dark, dramatic eyes. (Of course). I am definitely a new naked lipstick fan; it appears I have seen the light!

What is your opinion of Nude Lipstick?

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